Albab Central School Campus
Albab Central School is owned by Albab Charitable Educational Trust, Thrissur. The initiative at the establishment of the school is not only from the society itself but also from the perpetual request of the people belonging to the surrounding areas of Katloor. Moreover Albab Charitable educational Trust is committed to maintain the ethical standards of the society. Unfortunately most schools care only about the material instinctive of pupils, where as the need for spiritual education goes totally ignored. Thus the moral standard of people become weak. In short, the present wealth- ridden era is infected with agnosticism and scepticism nurtured by the cold & relentless logic of science. If we persist to go ahead with our muddled minds and parched souls, the unkind demon of nationalism, its jaws wide open is there to effect our wreckage.
Albab Central School comes into existence to prevent the society from such degradation, immorality, indiscipline etc. It firmly believes that integration of moral (spiritual) education with effective modernity is the only panacea for the ills that have crept into our society. By this way the Primary purpose of the school, is to give pupils, moral instruction, proper training in self-discipline and inculcate desirable qualities. Conductive to their all – round development and wholesome Well being which can be fulfilled and thereby becoming worthy citizens of the state.